中田 一紀
Kazuki Nakada
Research Profile
1998 October - 1999 March |
Nonlinear Dynamical System
Theory: Under Graduate Student for B. Sci., Department of
Mathematics, School of Science, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan |
1999 April - 2002 March |
Soft Computing for Signal and
Information Processing and Biological Information Processing: Graduate Student for M. Eng., Division of
Electronic and Information Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering,
Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan |
2002 April - 2005 March |
Hardware Implementation of Physical Computation: Ph. D
Candidate, Division of Electronic and Information Engineering, Graduate
School of Engineering, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan |
2005 April - 2011 March |
Synergetics in Silicon Electronics including Brain-inspired
VLSI Systems: Research Associate/Assistant Professor, Department
of Brain Science and Engineering, Graduate School of Life Science and
Systems Engineering, Kyushu Institute of Engineering, Kitakyushu, Japan |
2011 April -2013 May |
Synergetics in Spintronics: Research Associate,
Advanced Electronics Research Division, INAMORI Frontier Research
Center/Department of Physics, Faculty of Sciences, Kyushu University,
Fukuoka, Japan |
2013 May - present |
Synergetics in Sensor Networks/Physical Computing based on Physical Computation: Research Associate, UEC, Distributed Smart System Labotry, Tokyo, Japan |