Optimal synchronization of oscillatory chemical reactions with complex pulse, square, and smooth waveforms signals maximizes Tsallis entropy
Hisa-Aki Tanaka, Isao Nishikawa, Jürgen Kurths, Yifei Chen, and István Z. Kiss
Europhysics Letters, 2015
coupled oscillators,
Nonlinear dynamics and chaos,
Neural networks
We show that the mathematical structure of Tsallis entropy underlies an important
and ubiquitous problem in nonlinear science related to an efficient synchronization of weakly forced
nonlinear oscillators. The maximization of the locking range of oscillators with the use of phase
models is analyzed with general constraints that encompass forcing waveform power, magnitude, or
area. The optimization problem is then recasted as a general form of Tsallis entropy maximization.
The solution of these optimization problems is shown to be a direct consequence from Hölder’s
inequality. The resulting new maximization principle is confirmed in numerical simulations and
experiments with chemical oscillations with nickel electrodissolution. While weakly nonlinear
oscillators have generic optimal waveforms (sinusoidal, 50% duty cycle square wave, and equally
paced bipolar pulses for power-, area-, and magnitude-constraints, respectively), strongly nonlinear
oscillators require more complex waveforms such as smooth, square, and pulse ones.
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