Locking Range Derivations for Injection-Locked Class-E Oscillator Applying Phase Reduction Theory
Tomoharu Nagashima, Xiuqin Wei, Hisa-Aki Tanaka, Hiroo Sekiya
IEEE Transactions on circuits and systems-I: Regular Papers, 2014.
Injection-locked class-E oscillator, locking range, phase reduction theory
This paper presents a numerical locking-range
prediction for the injection-locked class-E oscillator using the
phase reduction theory (PRT). By applying this method to the
injection-locked class-E oscillator designs, which is in the field of
electrical engineering, the locking ranges of the oscillator on any
injection-signal waveform can be efficiently obtained. The locking
ranges obtained from the proposed method quantitatively agreed
with those obtained from the simulations and circuit experiments,
showing the validity and effectiveness of the locking-range derivation
method based on PRT.
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