A mode-lock free decentralized timing synchronization algorithm for intervehicle ad-hoc networks

Hisa-Aki Tanaka and Kenta Shinohara
Nonlinear Theory and Its Applications (NOLTA), IEICE, Apr. 2015


Timing synchronization, Wireless ad-hoc networks, Wireless sensor networks, Deadlock, Mode-lock state, TDMA


Timing synchronization is an important integrating component in wireless dis- tributed systems, such as mobile ad-hoc networks, M2M networks, and wireless sensor networks, and therefore, various timing synchronization algorithms have been proposed so far. Recently, Imai and Suzuki developed a new synchronization algorithm based on a time division multi- ple access (TDMA) protocol. Despite of its efficiency in synchronization for vehicle-to-vehicle communications, their algorithm sometimes suffers from a certain undesired synchronous pat- tern, i.e., a so called mode-lock state or a deadlock. Although their algorithm takes certain precautions to avoid this mode-lock state, in around more than 10% of instances this state is observed to persist and the desired perfect synchronization is not realized. Then, rst we investigate the mechanism of this persisting mode-lock state for their algorithm. With this insight to the mode-lock state, we propose a new mode-lock free (i.e., mode-lock eliminat- ing) distributed algorithm that always leads to a perfect synchronization. From systematic, comparative simulations, we observe that the proposed algorithm always eliminates mode-lock states, and eventually leads to the perfect synchronization. In addition, we observe the algo- rithm realizes even faster synchronization, compared with the algorithm by Imai and Suzuki, although these observed properties are not mathematically proved in this study.

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