Synchronizability of Distributed Clock Oscillators
Hisa-Aki Tanaka, Akio Hasegawa, Hiroyuki Mizuno, and Tetsuro Endoh
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems - I: Fundamental Theory and Applications, 2002.
Clock distribution network, impulse sensitive
function, phase equation, ring oscillator, synchronization,
voltage-controlled oscillator.
We analyze the synchronizability of synchronous distributed
oscillators (SDOs) [3], a novel clocking scheme for microprocessors.
A computer-aided perturbation analysis is developed
for such systems, where analytically tractable equations of
the clock phases are reduced from experimental data reflecting all
circuit details. Using this reduction, a theory is constructed to explain
the underlying mechanism of the synchronization in SDOs.
It systematically explains the observed phenomena, the existence
and stability of the (mutually) synchronized states, and the transition
from the in-phase synchronized state to the out-of-phase (but
still synchronized) state. Furthermore, the present theory of phase
reduction provides a new design principle of coupled oscillators
based on “the equation”; a precise delay control (less than the gate
delay) circuit can be designed in a simple and general form.
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